Medzinárodné telekomunikačné fórum ATO 2007 | 20.november 2007, Primaciálny palác - Zrkadlová sieň, Bratislava | Motto: Nové technológie, nové služby, nové trendy, nové príležitosti

I-COM Conference - Information Society For All

Events |
26.03.2002 | Read: 10332 | Discussion: 1

The “i-com” conference has taken place on the 26th of March 2002, in the Congress hall of the Forum hotel, professionally guaranteed by the Association of the Telecommunication Operators - ATO. The topic of the conference was the “Information Society for All”. The conference agenda and information were available on the separate web site

The conference was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education of the SR.

The organization committee consisted of: Prof. Ing. Milan Dado, CSc. - Rector of the Žilina University, Ing. Viliam Podhorský - General Manager of the Section for posts and telecommunications at the MDPT SR, Ing. Jiřina Perényiová - Executive Director of the ATO, Ing. Vladimír Ondrovič - President of the ATO.

The conference was chaired by: Prof. Ing. Horváth, CSc. - Slovak Technical University in Bratislava and Ing. Vladimír Ondrovič - ATO. The conference was opened by the Chairman of the Telecommunication Office Ing. Milan Luknár.

The auditorium of this interesting event was visited by 98 representatives of the companies from the relevant area, mainly top managers.

The agenda of the conference was chosen carefully, trying to focus on what is the professional public mainly interested in regarding the full liberalization starting on the 1st of January 2003, i.e. the comparison of the telecommunication - information environment and the conditions for competition in this area mainly in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The lecturers were really highly starring. One of the lecturers that caught the attention of the audience was the Chairman of the Czech Telecommunication Office Ing. David Stádník.

The panel discussion was moderated by Ing. Ivan Marták, the ATO Vice-President and the Manager for Strategy from Orange, a.s. The discussion was turning around the “Visions of the information society in the context of the liberalization of the info-communication sector” and the panel participants have presented their ideas in the following areas:

  • what is the Vision of an information society?
  • what are the basics and conditions for its completion?
  • the role of the state and the industry
  • liberalization - the accelerator or the brake in the completion of the Vision?
  • shall the “Czech way” be the inspiration, memento, or a lesson to learn for Slovakia?

The panel was represented by: Warren Clark - Ambass. USA, Ing. David Stádník - President of the Czech Telecommunication Office, Ing. Milan Luknár - Chairman of the Telecommunication Office of the Slovak Republic, Ing. Viliam Podhorský - General Manager of the Section for posts and telecommunications at the MDPT SR, Ing. Ladislav Mikuš - President of the Slovak Telecom, Ing. Juraj Droba - Director for Exterior Affairs of the Eurotel, Dag Ole Storrosten - Managing Director of the Nextra, Ing. Milan Mánik - Development Director of the eTel Slovensko, a.s., Prof. Ing. Petr Moos - Ex-minister of Transport and Communications of the Czech Republic, Prof. Ing. Milan Konvit, CSc. - University of Žilina, Ing. Peter Druga - Director of the PDC, Marián Ďurkovič - Vice-President of the API, Ing. Jaroslav Mlynček - Managing Director of the Alcatel Slovakia, a.s. and President of the Association of the Electrotechnical Industry.

The well-known professionals from the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic have evaluated the readiness for the actual competition environment in telecommunications in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and the existing experiences from the development of this process.

The General sponsors of the conference were: Alcatel Slovakia, a.s., Logica, a.s. The Sponsors were: eTel Slovensko s.r.o., Nextra s.r.o., Slovanet a.s., S&T Slovakia s.r.o.

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