Medzinárodné telekomunikačné fórum ATO 2007 | 20.november 2007, Primaciálny palác - Zrkadlová sieň, Bratislava | Motto: Nové technológie, nové služby, nové trendy, nové príležitosti

Telecom rules: EU takes 5 Member States to court for 112 caller location deficiencies

Info from abroad |
22.03.2007 | Read: 15961 | Discussion: 2

In a new round of proceedings for infringements of EU telecom rules, the European Commission has decided to refer six Member States to the European Court of Justice: Italy, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Portugal and Slovakia for deficiencies related to Europe’s emergency number 112; and against Estonia for failing to carry out the required market analysis under the EU telecom rules. The Commission has also opened one new infringement case against Cyprus on rights of way for mobile markets. The Commission could also close four pending cases in this round.

“When it comes to Europe’s emergency number 112, Member States are obliged to ensure that it is fully functional and available. It is unfortunate that several countries are currently putting their own citizens and citizens from other EU countries traveling to their country at risk as they have failed to ensure that caller location information for emergency calls is fully available. I urge these Member States to act now to enhance the safety of EU citizens,” said EU Telecoms Commissioner Viviane Reding. “We are also referring Estonia to the European Court, since it has failed to carry out its market analysis on time. I urge Estonia to speed up what is a fundamental requirement of EU telecom rules, and without which effective competition and consumers rights will suffer.”

The Commission decided to refer Italy, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Portugal and Slovakia to the European Court of Justice since there are still deficiencies in practice regarding caller location information for emergency calls to 112 (see IP/06/1358 and IP/06/464).

The Commission decided also to refer Estonia to the European Court of Justice for failing to carry out most of the market analysis as specified in the Commission’s Recommendation on Relevant Markets (see IP/06/1358).

The Commission is opening a new case against Cyprus and is sending it a letter of formal notice concerning rights of way for mobile networks.

The Commission has closed cases against Finland and Luxembourg. The Finnish case concerns designating the universal service provider, while the Luxembourg case concerns cost accounting.

The Commission has also closed two non-compliance cases against Germany concerning the Universal Service Directive and the e-Privacy Directive following legislative amendments which address the Commission’s concerns.

A detailed overview of the state of infringement proceedings is available on the DG Information Society and Media’s implementation and enforcement website (

See also MEMO/07/114

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