Medzinárodné telekomunikačné fórum ATO 2007 | 20.november 2007, Primaciálny palác - Zrkadlová sieň, Bratislava | Motto: Nové technológie, nové služby, nové trendy, nové príležitosti

ATO Criticizes Situation on the Telecommunications Market

SITA | 14.12.2004

The Association of Telecommunications Operators (ATO) ascribes the current negative situation on the telecommunications market in the liberalization area to passivity of the Telecommunications Office SR (TU). One of the main reasons, according to the association is that the TU did not manage analyses, needed for adopting other measures by the deadline set at June 30, 2004. “The result of this situation is that the former monopoly still keeps possibilities of suppressing its competition firms and forbidding them to enter the market,” said the ATO chairman, Vladimir Ondrovic.

The law on electronic communications, which was supposed to create an environment to liberalize the market, contains according to TU faults. “It is impossible to consider the new law to be a magical wand, which will fix the blights simply by issuing it. The law has to be implemented and this has already pointed out its defects and need for a revision, therefor the ministry is preparing an amendment, within which the office suggests changes,” said TU spokesman Roman Vavro when responding to the ATO criticism.

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