Medzinárodné telekomunikačné fórum ATO 2007 | 20.november 2007, Primaciálny palác - Zrkadlová sieň, Bratislava | Motto: Nové technológie, nové služby, nové trendy, nové príležitosti

Štvrtá správa o monitoringu kandidátskych krajín EÚ (Sektor telekomunikačných služieb)

Info zo zahraničia |
26.01.2004 | Čítalo: 7968 | Diskusia: 0

With regard to its task to assist in the creation of an open and competitive internal market for telecommunication services in the Member States, the European Commission (EC) has been preparing regular reports monitoring the implementation of the European Union (EU) regulatory framework since 1997. The last (9th) report was released in November 2003.

The reports examine major developments in the market, analyse the implementation of the key regulatory principles covered by the regulatory framework and draw conclusions intended to contribute to ensuring compliance with the European regulatory framework.

As part of the preparation for the enlargement of the EU by the EU candidate countries (EUCCs or CCs), monitoring of their telecommunication markets, as significant drivers of economic growth, is being performed. The resulting report, similar to those of the member states, will be prepared on a semi-annual basis in the period of 2002 and 2003. The project, called “Monitoring of EU Candidate Countries – Telecommunication Services Sector”, is funded by the EC Directorate-General Information Society and performed by IBM Business Consulting Services.

The following countries are included in the project: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey.

Priložené súbory:

 4th Report on Monitoring of EU Candidate Countries (Telecommunication Services Sector)

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